Worldwide Secure Device Management for IoT Solutions with High Availability and Protection against Cyberattacks

Maximize the uptime of your IoT solutions with automated and secure device management

Implementing networked edge devices in critical environments requires maximum security and reliability. Develop IoT solutions based on the latest cybersecurity standards, manage and monitor your fleets of devices worldwide efficiently and conserve resources. Minimize downtime and maximize performance with secure and automated device management.

Discover your potential for worldwide secure device management

  • Compliance with the latest cybersecurity standards: Develop IoT solutions that meet the highest security standards and protect data
  • Centralized management and monitoring: Minimize use of resources and prevent downtime by managing and monitoring the entire device fleet from a central application
  • Efficient update management: Automate updates and maintenance to reduce manual work requirements
  • Easy scalability: Quickly and securely integrate new devices into existing networks
  • System-based monitoring and analysis: Proactively identify and fix device issues and ensure maximum uptime
  • Reduced costs: Lower operating costs through less manual intervention and more efficient management
  • Improved compliance and reporting: Comply with regulatory requirements and facilitate end-to-end reporting
  • Increased flexibility and adaptability: Develop sustainable IoT solutions that adapt quickly and flexibly to new requirements

Challenges in establishing worldwide secure device management

Vulnerabilities and threats

In developing IoT solutions, software architects need to ensure the security and integrity of all devices and data. This is a difficult task considering constant threats such as ransomware, phishing attacks, zero-day exploits, and botnet attacks, as well as the need to keep all devices up to date. Compromised devices can endanger the entire network, spread malware and access sensitive data. Regular security updates and the latest encryption technologies are therefore necessary, supported by security standards such as ISO 27001 and IEC 62443.

Network and database bandwidth

A variety of network conditions and limited bandwidth capacities make it difficult for edge devices to transfer data. This is particularly problematic in critical infrastructures, distributed systems and remote locations, where stable and fast data transfers are essential. Delays and data loss can affect performance and lead to serious issues such as long load times, poor connections, and downtimes

Data protection and security

The growth in worldwide networking of machines and processes through IoT devices, remote access to systems and the transfer of sensitive application sees an increase in the risk of cyber attacks and data loss. That is why secure and robust communication as well as data encryption have top priority in preventing unauthorized access and monitoring authorized access. Different network infrastructures and standards present a risk of inefficiency and increased security threats, which need to be solved. The handling of sensitive data, particularly when it comes to personal or production-related machine data, is subject to strict data protection guidelines as well as geographical and industry-specific laws and regulations (e.g. GDPR, EU Data Act). As a device and component manufacturer, maximum transparency is needed in order to address data protection concerns carefully and strengthen trust in worldwide secure device management.

Maintenance and updates

It would be almost impossible to carry out manually regular and secure software updates and maintenance for a large number of IoT devices with a variety of applications installed and different hardware specifications. Each device needs to be individually monitored and updated, which would only be possible with considerable resources. It is also necessary to proactively and efficiently ensure that there are no incompatibilities or security vulnerabilities following installation.

Monitoring and troubleshooting

Monitoring the device fleet 24/7 to rapidly detect and fix issues is a major challenge for component manufacturers of IoT solutions due to the complexity of the systems. However, this is the only way to identify failures and delays at an early stage, ensure optimal functionality and availability of IoT solutions, and avoid serious disruptions such as disconnections or device overloads.

Solutions for global device and component manufacturers with KontronGrid

Secure technology and all-in-one solution comprising hardware, software and expertise

In order to be able to carry out reliable and secure device management, it is necessary to select a suitable device management solution. We make the decision-making process easier for manufacturers by combining the comprehensive KontronGrid fleet management solution with the necessary hardware (IoT device KBox A-250/A151 or system-on-module i.MX8M) and a perfectly matched secure Linux-based KontronOS operating system. Our team of software and hardware specialists provide help in the selection of reliable technology for customer-specific applications.

Data security at all levels

The development of IoT solutions with edge devices as a central control unit for running docker-based or native applications by the component manufacturer requires the implementation of a robust security architecture at all levels. Security must be ensured from hardware to drivers, BIOS and operating systems to data encryption, authentication and access control in the cloud. We rely on the highest security standards and are certified in accordance with ISO 27001:2017. In addition to end-to-end encryption of customer data in accordance with AES128 and the use of the latest Internet standards (A+) and transport encryption (TLS v.1.3), regular security audits are carried out.

Moreover, REST connections are secured by forward secrecy (HTTPS) and OAUTH. System performance and output are continuously monitored to promptly identify potential weak points, fix them, and optimize processes. Incident management and continuous CVE/CWE analysis of software components against known weak points as well as the integrated firewall to define and secure network zones are further security measures that are an integral part of our development process.

Four services for secure and scalable device management

KontronGrid, the comprehensive fleet management solution for edge devices, simplifies the deployment of containers and native applications, automates fleet updates, monitors devices, and enables quick remote support to efficiently manage global device connections. Integrated health monitoring provides information 24/7 on the health status of edge devices in the field.

In addition to the central management of IoT devices and fleets, container-based or native applications can be efficiently configured and updated step-by-step across the entire fleet. Setting up temporary remoting and VPN connections rounds off the range of functions provided by KontronGrid. What is more, the compatible and secure Linux-based KontronOS operating system enables firmware updates and patches for the selected hardware platform.

Get started with an assisted two-month proof of concept pilot project

Rolling out a comprehensive fleet management solution for all edge devices in the field brings with it a number of challenges. To ensure that technical feasibility and potential cost savings and efficiency are quickly and clearly visible, we have developed a two-month, assisted proof of concept (PoC) pilot project. During this pilot project, the system is set up together with the project team and pilot customers and tested using practical application scenarios. We train your employees and technicians how to use device management so they become familiarized with the solution and can appreciate the potential of using it. Our experienced customer success management team accompanies you on the road to customer success with an assisted onboarding process.