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Results 31 to 40 of 239

Connectivity in the world of IIoT

FabEagle®Connect The low-code integration solution for standardized interfaces in production Use Case: Industrial data interfaces Your easy machine integration and secure data transmission thanks


Management Human Resources Sales Product Management Marketing Secretary's Office Your journey to tomorrow's smart manufacturing starts here Have a quest

Contemplative advent season and „Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.”

On Sunday it is time again – the first candle on the Advent wreath will be lighted. The Advent season begins and heralds the last weeks of the year – with joyful strolls through the Christmas market,

Control Solutions for Automated Transport Systems

Increase your efficiency with connected processes and machines Consulting Analysis of general conditions and processes Identification of possible automation approaches and concepts Consulting for su



Corporate Group

Corporate Group

Current Events

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Customer References

Companies all over the world trust in Kontron AIS  Customer references by product Companies around the world rely on us This Is What Our Customers Say Customer References

Data-based maintenance: Intelligently planned and implemented with a focus on saving resources

Understanding why machines fail. Carrying out maintenance early, but in a targeted manner. Providing service technicians with information on the causes of failures and the necessary documents and spar

Data-Based Services

Use your machine data for intelligent maintenance and reduce unplanned downtimes to a minimum Request consultation for data based services now Lack of customer acceptance Data-based services requ