SEMI E39: Object Services

Specification for Object Services: Concepts, Behavior, and Services


The Object Services Standard (OSS) describes basics for “objects” used in GEM300 semiconductor manufacturing. It provides general functionality, such as how to create and delete objects, declares generally required attributes and describes services, for example how attributes can be updated (“SetAttr”). The objects can be physical or only conceptional and are grouped into object types, e.g. “Substrate”, “Carrier” or “ProcessJob”. Similar to SEMI E5 Custom Stream Functions it is also possible to define Custom Object Types. Where the object type can be seen as a template stating the data and behavior possible for this object class, the object instance is the actual object with specific data, for example, a certain ID and technical values.

The concepts described in SEMI E39 are used by multiple other standards like SEMI E40 (“Process Job Management”), SEMI E87 (“Carrier Management”) and SEMI E94 (“Control Job Management”).