Working together for a clean environment: the team at the big Elbe meadow clean-up in Dresden

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„An die Säcke, Fertig? Los!“ On April 13, 2024, Dresden called for a big Elbe meadow clean-up and we set off with the team, lots of garbage bags and work gloves.

With over 35 hard-working helpers from our team and their families, we cleaned up a stretch of the Elbe in Tolkewitz/Laubegast. Quick hands ensured that the Elbe meadow was left fresh and clean.

We also found some things that surprised us, e.g. an old pitchfork or a large, indefinable, cast-iron metal part, large quantities of plastic packaging for food and, above all, a lot of fleece material left behind in the trees by the recent floods.

We ended the campaign with a joint refreshment of soup, salad, sandwiches and drinks.

The city of Dresden announced that the number of helpers reached 2,000 this year. That's great!

Thank you to all environmental friends, young and old, for your time!