4th Place in the ‘Best Jobs with a Future 2024’ Study in the Automation and System Technology Provider Sector

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As part of the ‘Best jobs with a future 2024’ study, DEUTSCHLAND TEST analysed which companies offer employees a secure professional future. We were awarded 4th place in the field of automation and system technology providers.

The study, which was conducted in collaboration with the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF), analysed a total of 12,000 companies in terms of sustainability, profitability and working atmosphere. Topics such as social, ecological and economic responsibility, emissions and diversity were considered, as were locations, risk management, investments and turnover. Aspects such as employer attractiveness, work-life balance, workload and remuneration were also put to the test. To this end, around ten million responses were collected online from May 2022 to April 2024 and analysed and evaluated in three stages using AI.

‘We are delighted to be among the test winners in the field of automation and system technology providers, coming in fourth place. The award confirms our commitment to sustainable and economical action as well as a pleasant working environment. The result motivates us to continue working on a growing order situation and a healthy, appreciative corporate culture,’ explains Michael Jacob, Managing Director at Kontron AIS. 

Click here for the ranking.